Custom domains
in progress
Tiny Talk
in progress
Tiny Talk
Sobat Konsultan
I expect it to work like this.
Current URL:
Expected Custom Domain URL:
This should apply to both iframe and SDK implementations:
<iframe src="https://cname.mydomainname.etc/bots/31af5d3b-61cc-4105-a3ed-5267a8120b86/chat" width="100%" height="660" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script src="https://cname.mydomainname.etc/latest/tiny-talk-sdk.min.umd.js" data-tiny-bot-id="31af5d3b-61cc-4105-a3ed-5267a8120b86" defer></script>
While full white-label dashboard customization would be awesome in the future, this CNAME feature is a great start! As an agency, having the chat URLs display my domain instead of the default one would be valuable, even if we can't customize our clients' URLs yet.