Pabbly Connect Integrations
Tiny Talk
Tiny Talk
Albato is currently on hold due to other competing priorities. We'll split this request as Pabbly has been released already a while ago but Albato is holding this feature here from moving to complete.
Tiny Talk
Pabbly has approved our integration, you can generate a Pabbly API Key to use in your integration and start with it.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, let us know.
We will look into Albato soon, but first we have to work on some smaller tasks and requests that we have received in the last month, shouldn't take too long!
Igor Zuev
It's great! I am glad to see that the product is constantly being developed and improved.
Igor Zuev
Albato Albato please. It will be tremendously awesome!
Tiny Talk
Just to provide an update; we've been waiting Pabbly to approve our integration since 14th of October.
Igor Zuev
Albato is now trending. Please add them to the roadmap.
Tiny Talk
Zapier integration is now live. We started working on Pabbly.
Tiny Talk
in progress