Remember chat between pages (when Widget is embedded)
Tom Parkinson
From my end-user point of view, it would be great if the embedded chatbot widget remembered the chat history as a user moved between pages on my site. Here's what it currently does:
1) The user asks a question
2) Bot answers
3) The user moves to another page and opens up the bot
4) The user opens the chatbot widget again; the widget is in the original state (not remembering the user's chat history)
It would be great if it did this:
1) The user asks a question
2) Bot answers
3) The user moves to another page and opens up the bot
4) The user opens the chatbot widget again, and the widget remembers the user's chat history so they can continue the chat or ask a new question
Tiny Talk
Tiny Talk
This feature has been rolled out today, when "Help Desk" is enabled, users will be able to access their previous conversations and continue from where they left off.
As a next step, when the page is reloaded, we'll check if widget was open previously in a certain conversation then we'll pop the bot open again already in the right conversation.
We've also introduced a handful of new features and user experience updates. Take a look around the Tiny Talk Dashboard and let us know what you think.
Tiny Talk
in progress